I’ve slowly integrated goddess medicine into my spiritual practice over the years and have deepened it through Kairos, sister circles, oracle decks and ceremony around them. Learning what it means to work with their unique energies, access the different archetypes that they embody, and learn their stories. I’ve always seen myself as a being of light and love. Naturally connecting to the love goddess archetypes and the sweet voluptuous ways of tender vulnerability. So imagine my surprise when Medusa made herself known to me!!!
When I say Holy Medusa, I mean HOLY MEDUSA!! Working with the goddess in the ways that I have has been more of an intentional space and feeling their essence. Not so much a vision of their form in my mind's eye. That is exactly how the dark queen and I met.
I am deliciously embodied and awed in exploring the path of sacred sexuality and divine feminine energy. Channeling Lilith and soaking up all that is the ancient wisdom, freedom and power through the goddess. Slowly uncovering and aligning with myself that we are made in their image. Lilith held me through a really beautiful space of self realization and the release of shame around my sexuality. Release of the rules we place on ourselves. I couldn’t believe what I was able to feel through the dark goddess. What was this untamed, wild, taking what is rightfully mine back, madness that is the dark goddess???
The night I met Medusa…..
I was playing in the field of energy with another powerful woman who works closely with her. We were holding space for what it is to have pleasure as women, the power in it, all things sex magic and both vibing in the energy. I found myself with my eyes closed and there she was. Captivated by her I was just taking her in. Not even fully realizing what I was experiencing at first. I was watching her oversee work being done between the two of them, her standing at the back of this other enchanting woman. Then as if I had interrupted somehow it was just her there. She was front and center staring at me. I instantly knew who she was. Medusa. I had not worked with her, didn’t know anything about her, didn’t call on her, yet there she was, and I knew her! She was DARK! Never had I seen anything so dark. She was tall, petite in her face, vague outlines of snakes for hair, surrounded in black wearing a long black hooded cloak or gown. Being so dark that it made it hard for me to make out her features.
I was instantly curious about her. Why was she staring at me? Is this really happening to me? As I leaned into her, the message seemed to be her asking if I wanted to engage in her medicine…. or was she somehow a guardian of this other soul… or both? I’m feeling a chest tightness throughout the experience, an intensity, still so curious. What is this about? I slowly came to the knowing she wanted me to ask permission in some way. I asked her what I could offer her. She wants an offering. When that came through she opened her cloak and released black snakes all over my feet, as if to say permission granted. Meeting the dark queen through the sacred power of two women witnessing each other and showing a desire to explore the magic of sex is still a source of insane gratitude within me.
Medusa is the essence of a woman's sacred sexuality, our innate source of divination power. Her snakes a symbol of our kundalini energy rising from our pussy, up through our body and opening access to our divine feminine power.
Ummm…. Yes please!!!! Now, do know I do not historically love snakes or the thought of having them pour over my feet but I connected with snake medicine in a different way that night. She connected me to something I don’t really have words to describe.
I could feel her security, wisdom and power as this incredible divine feminine being that did not need permission to be all that she is.
Working with her since that first night has been one wild ride. Getting to know her more intimately and learning more about her story has been such a powerful experience. I’ve come to see her as an ancient divine feminine power, wisdom goddess, magic in the darkness, a sex magic weaver, a source of authentic self discovery, fierce, transformative feminine force, and an energy that I never wish to part from.
As my journey has continued to unfold with her in it I can see my magic being more dynamic than I felt it before. I want her to be a companion in the depths of the shadows where we often have to go to ascend equally as far. The darker spaces are rich in their medicine. I feel like she took my hand and guided me home inside my body to places I didn’t know existed. Places that do not have shame or manners. Primal places that source sex magic. She opened my vision to owning and claiming my portal of shameless pleasure. When I feel her in my body, there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to shy away from, or be scared to explore. She gives me permission to be what was taken from us.
The experience of having her tattooed on my body may just be another post…..

#SamanthaHibbs #Hypnosis #Channel #Healer #HypnoticJourney #Wellness #Magic #Healing #PreparingforHypnoticJourney