Intuition provides us with a sense of what feels right and aligned with us. Yes you have it and you can develop it more! Be gentle with yourself as you explore this space. You are magical. You can strengthen this skill, I promise.
Check out these suggestions to develop your intuition:
Look Inward
Cultivate self-awareness. Start practicing self-reflection and introspection. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in different situations. Notice when you have a strong feeling or sense about something.
Quiet Your Mind
Start creating moments of stillness and silence in your daily life. Meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises can help calm your mind and allow your intuition to surface.
Trust your instincts!
Start paying attention to your initial gut reactions and first impressions. Trust and follow these instincts, even if they go against logical reasoning. Over time you will see how validating it can be to trust your instincts.
Active Listening
Practice actively listening to your inner voice or inner wisdom. This can be done journaling, meditation or simply taking those quiet moments to tune in and listen to your intuition.
Notice Subtle Cues
Pay attention to the subtle signals and cues that your intuition may communicate through your body, emotions or the environment. This can be resonating feelings, feelings of discomfort, synchronicities, or signs that seem to guide you.
Get Creative!
Activities like painting, writing, dancing or listening to music can help you access your intuitive flow. Creative energy often bypasses the analytical mind and allows intuitive insights to emerge.
Try out decision making with intuition. Start making small decisions based on your intuition. Trust yourself and observe the outcomes. Reflect on how your intuition guided you and learn from the experience.
We have been conditioned away from trusting our sweet souls. Developing that trust and confidence takes time. Trust in your intuitive abilities and have confidence in your inner knowing. The more you use and validate your intuition, the stronger and more reliable it becomes.